BRANDON STRAKAさんのWalk Away運動の、このYouTubeの映像は、今のアメリカの政治状況を読み解くのに、非常に有用だと思いました。
Once upon a time I was a liberal. But liberalism has changed. And I will no longer be a part of an ideology or political party that represents everything that contradicts my values of unity, equal opportunity, personal empowerment, compassion, and love.
So I am walking away.
And I encourage all of you to do the same.
Walk away.
僕は、民主党の新世代の一人として、Alexandria Ocasio-Cortezさんを紹介したんですが、この人は、まさにここで言われている民主党の極左(the extremist left)にあたる人ですね。極左の台頭のシンボルが、2016年の大統領選挙におけるBernard "Bernie" Sanders(バーモント州選出のアメリカ合衆国上院議員)の登場ですね。二人とも、同じ民主社会主義者を公言しています。ヒラリー・クリントンさんが、まさか負けるわけはないだろうといわれていたのに、トランプさんに負けたのは、予備選挙でバーニー・サンダースさんに勝つために、彼の政治意見を取り入れて、中道左派の位置づけから、かなり極左の方に依らなければいけなかったことが、敗因の大きな理由ではないかと僕は思っています。リベラリズムには常に、「どこで線を引くか」という問題があって、その線は恣意的なものなので、そこを告発されると偽善にしか見えなくなってしまう。この偽善者的な部分と、中道でどっちにもよらないという部分が、相乗効果で民主党内に亀裂を増やし、かつトランプさんが取り込んだ普通の中産階級、、、極左やリベラルのアイデンティティ-ポリテクスに飽き飽きしている人々にそっぽを向かせたのではないかと思います。なので、2018年の中間選挙で下院での女性やマイノリティの議員がたくさん誕生したことは、逆を言うと、アイデンティティ・ポリテクスを加速させて、かつ極左に民主党がふれるので、ますますトランプさんに負けた構造が強化される可能性が高いと僕は思うのです。このままでいけば、極左の新しい新世代に次回の大統領候補が選ばれる可能性は高く、それは、民主党内では、民主党内部での方向性はまとまるかもしれませんが、そもそも民主党の中道寄りの人々が離れるのが加速してしまう可能性が高い。
日本にも共通する問題だと思います。少数派のアイデンティティを実現する運動は、1)多数派のアイデンティティや利益、関心に十分に配慮しない、2)社会全体の協調を重視しない、3)暴力性。/ウォーク・アウェイ運動――アメリカのリベラル派はなぜ嫌われるのか | SYNODOS https://t.co/lMdfCuqYhO pic.twitter.com/2g6fhTUBMx
— 佐々木俊尚 (@sasakitoshinao) 2018年12月25日
リベラルが民主党を見放す時、ウォークアウェイ運動に同調するリベラル達 – Scarecrow in the Strawberry Field
Once upon a time, I was a liberal.
Well, to be honest, less than a year ago, I was still a liberal.
I became a liberal because I felt I’d found a tribe whose values aligned with my own.
I staunchly reject racism of any kind, I reject the marginalization of any human being based off of their gender or sexual orientation. I reject tyrannical group think, I reject a system which allows an ambitious, misinformed, and dogmatic mob to suppress free speech, create false narratives, and apathetically steamroll over the truth.
I reject the acceptance of junk science and superstition to advance ideological agendas.
I reject hate.
These are the reasons why I became a liberal and these are the same reasons why I am now walking away.
For years now, I have watched as the left has devolved into intolerant, inflexible, illogical, hateful, misguided, ill-informed, un-American, hypocritical, menacing, callous, ignorant, narrow-minded, and at times, blatantly fascistic behavior and rhetoric.
Liberalism has been co-opted and absorbed by the very characteristics it claims to fight against. For years now, I’ve watched as people on the left have become anesthetized to their own prejudices and bigotry and the prejudices and bigotry of those around them who echo their values. I have watched these formerly-sensible people, who claim to reject racism, have come to embrace the principles of universally hating and blaming all of society’s problems on all people who have white skin. I have witnessed the irony of advocacy for gender equality morph into blatant hatred and intolerance of men and masculinity. I have seen the once-earnest fight for equality for the LGBT community mutate into an illogical demonization of heteronormativity and the push to vilify and attack our conventional concepts of gender.
These same self-proclaimed victims of intolerance [are] now turning on the gay community that they once attached themselves to advance their agenda, [are] now calling gay people ‘privileged’ and themselves ‘victims’ of injustice. I have watched as the left has allowed themselves to become hypnotized by false narratives and conclusions, perpetuated by social justice warriors who misrepresent and misconstrue facts and evidence and events to confirm their own biases that everyone who does not comply with their prejudicial conclusions and follow their orders is a racist, a bigot, a Nazi, a white supremacist, homophobic, Islamophobic, xenophobic, misogynist, and alt-right extremist. And I’ve watched as they’ve used these heartless and carelessly-assigned labels to intimidate, threaten, bully, silence, attack, un-employ, blacklist, and destroy anybody who dares to fight back.
They’ll come for me and then they’ll come for you.
And worst of all, the Democratic Party and the liberal media has embraced, affirmed, aided, and abetted this cult ideology. In an effort to gain voters and maintain power, the Democratic Party that I once loved has joined forces with the extremist left. The Democratic Party and the liberal media now believe their own ill-gotten conclusions and have ominously decided that they –and only they – know the remedy for society’s ills.
The Left has decided that the solution to problems with race relations in America is more racism. The Left believes that attacking, insulting, and dehumanizing one group of people elevates another. The Left now believes that there are no boundaries when telling lies, omitting the truth, or misrepresenting the facts when telling the news because their end justifies their means. The Left has now decided that its point of view is the only acceptable one and that suppressing, censoring, and banning open debate is virtuous and progressive. The Democratic Party has adopted a deleterious belief system, happily and without skepticism, separating people into groups based off of identity and then organizing them into camps of ‘victims’ and ‘oppressors.’
If you are a person of color, an LGBT person, a woman, or an American immigrant, the Democratic Party wants you to know that you are a victim and destined to stay that way. They will insist that you are a victim doomed to exist within a system that is rigged against you, that you are a victim of systemic oppression, that you are a victim of your circumstances, and that no amount of hard work or motivational action will ever allow you to overcome your victimhood or the privilege of those around you.
This is perhaps the Democratic Party’s greatest and most insidious lie.
But if you are a minority in America today, the left-wing politicians and the liberal media don’t ever want you to ever discover this lie. So they bombard us with stories designed to reinforce this narrative that you are in danger, that you cannot succeed. They manipulate your fears and concerns by telling you that you are disadvantaged, disempowered, and disposable to everyone – except to them. They will tell you that you need them. They will tell you that you are only safe under their supervision. They will promise to liberate you from all that chains you.
And then, they will do absolutely nothing for you.
Once upon a time I was a liberal. But liberalism has changed. And I will no longer be a part of an ideology or political party that represents everything that contradicts my values of unity, equal opportunity, personal empowerment, compassion, and love.
So I am walking away.
And I encourage all of you to do the same.
Walk away.